The Santa Lucia Queen
Past Queens
2023 - Elizabeth Troia
2022 - Abby Distefano
2021 - Grace Mandolfo Carey
2020 - Sayler Maggiore Nacke
2019 - Sayler Maggiore Nacke
2018 ~ Gina Troia
2017 - Alyssa Caniglia Turnquist
2016 ~ Lauren Theiler
2015 ~ Katelyn Caniglia Turnquist Dethlefs
2014 ~ Vivian Caniglia
2013 ~ Kaylee D’Agata Fulton
2012 ~ Anna Venditte Diederich
2011 ~ Gina Pane Sanford
2010 ~ Francesca Ferro
2009 ~ Courtney Carnley
2008 ~ Christine Pane
2007 ~
2006 ~ Ashlee Vieceli-Seffron
2005 ~ Ashlee Vieceli-Seffron
2004 ~ Jennifer Pane
2003 ~ Audrey Keruzis
2002 ~ Carmella Bonofede
2001 ~ Christina Bellavia
2000 ~ Amber D’Amato
1999 ~ Katie Woodrich Lethcoe
1998 ~ Annie Woodrich Distefano
1997 ~ Angela Sedlacek Anderson
1996 ~ Stephanie Cap Madison
1995 ~ Angela Losole Cherek
1994 ~ Angela Cammarata Dubuc
1993 ~ Gina Cundall Salcedo
1992 ~ Anne Maddalena Tyson
1991 ~ Dena Lynn Garcia
1990 ~ Jennifer Mandolfo Carey
1989 ~ Debbie Schab Koch
1988 ~ Michele Szurpicki Hargis
1987 ~ Beverly Barajas Butcher
1986 ~ Deanna Orsi Davis
1985 ~ Shirley Orsi Robinson
1984 ~ Johnna Marie Caniglia Robinson
1983 ~ Anna Marie Pantano Healy
1982 ~ Geri Pisci Sorensen Murphy
1981 ~ Terri Pattavina Grybko
1980 ~ Trudy Arenas Lane
1979 ~ Mary Lou Cappellano Riley
1978 ~ Carol Jean Mancuso
1977 ~ Jacquie Nanfito (D)
1976 ~ Linda Miceli
1975 ~ Tina Nigro Goff
1974 ~ Lucia Falcone
1973 ~ Jeanie Longo
1972 ~ Karen Campisi-Ballue (D)
1971 ~ Jacquie Caruso
1970 ~ Cindy Lu Bruning (D)
1969 ~ Jeannette Sollowin Tiwald
1968 ~ Christine Palmesano
1967 ~ Catherine Curro McGowen
1966 ~ Linda Sortino
1965 ~ Lucia Ferraguti St. Cyr
1964 ~ Mary Mangiamelli
1963 ~ Linda LaFerla
1962 ~ Patricia Toscano
1961 ~ Antoinette Caniglia
1960 ~ Jean Vazzano Wooten
1959 ~ Juanita Romero (D)
1958 ~ Grace Ann Marchese
1957 ~ Patricia Yechout
1956 ~ Jo Ann Ruberti (D)
1955 ~ Lou Ann Puglisi
1954 ~ Joan Calandra Swan (D)
1953 ~ Rose Marie Milleria Leonard
1952 ~ Nellie Falcone (D)
1951 ~ Lucille DiGiacomo (D)
1950 ~ Josephine Caruso
1949 ~ Virginia Grasso
1948 ~ Pauline Oddo Frodyma
1947 ~ Penny Carlentine Buckley (D)
1946 ~ Josephine Polito Elworth
1931 ~ 1945
1930 ~ Concetta Piccolo (D)
1929 ~ Fena Caniglia (D)(First Festival Queen)
1925 ~ 1928
The Santa Lucia Festival Queen is an important and admired aspect in the history of the festival. The very first queen was named in the festival's 5th year, 1929. In those early days, the committee had difficulty narrowing down the list of potential candidates. Many young women in the Little Italy neighborhood dreamed of being named the Santa Lucia Festival Queen.
The tradition of naming a Santa Lucia Festival Queen was a way to honor those families that displayed their financial generosity to the festival committee. Candidates would raise money through a ticket raffle. The candidate who sold the most tickets, raising the most money, would be honored as queen. It was a way for young women and their families to show their devotion to Santa Lucia. The funds generated all went toward planning and preparations for the next year’s festival. Without former queens and candidates, it would have been difficult for the festival to run consecutively for over nine decades.
Today’s candidates still sell raffle tickets, but an academic and community service component has also been included.

All prospective candidates must be baptized Catholic and 14 – 21 years of age. Please download and complete Queen Candidate Application, then email to info@santaluciafestival.com
The Santa Lucia Queen is selected based on three criteria – Academics, Community Service and Raffle Ticket Sales.
All applicants must attend the Queens Kickoff Dinner that is held in the Spring.
The Queens Kickoff Dinner is held for prospective candidates and their families.
Community Service begins in March and the date is to be determined at the Queens Kickoff Dinner. Information about Raffle Ticket Sales will also be discussed at this dinner.